Vuelvo a las montañas vuelvo a los valles Vuelvo a ver lugares y a personas que no he visto en mucho tiempo Brazos abiertos, corazones abiertos Vuelvo a ríos y lagos vuelvo a bosques Vuelvo a mercados y calles llenos de risas y expresiones conocidas Familia elegida y de sangre Vuelvo a mi yo más…
Author: una caminante inquieta
Coming home
Home to mountains home to valleys Home to places and people that I haven’t seen in a long time Open arms, open hearts Home to rivers and lakes home to forests Home to markets and streets full of laughter and the familiar slang Friends, family Home to my younger self home to old habits Home…
Die Melancholie des Herbstes. Loslassen der warmen Sommertage. Zuschauen, wie die Blätter Farbe wechseln und vom Baum fallen. Einen Gang runterschalten, sich auf den nahenden Winter vorbereiten. Zeit der Stille, des Innehaltens, der Reflexion. Abstreifen des Überflüssigen. Zur Ruhe kommen, Revue passieren. Spaziergänge im herbstlichen Wald, die Kronen fangen Feuer. Letzte Sonnenstrahlen wärmen das Gesicht….
Autumn leaves
Letting go of warm summer days. Watching the leaves change colour, fall from the tree, get carried away by the wind. Raindrops. Morning mist. Darkness. Slowing down, preparing for the oncoming winter. A time of stillness, of pausing, of introspection. Shedding the unnecessary. Cosy autumn days. Basking in the golden sunlight. Reminiscing about the year…
Versuche ich, vergeblich, zu dichten, so kann man das Chaos schon von Weitem sichten. Erahnen kann man das Wortgestricke, das am Ende ich wieder flicke. Das Flehen der Buchstaben, Worte und Zeichen, das der bald niedergeschriebenen Leichen, ertönt immer lauter in meinem Ohr, deshalb muss ich jetzt,…
noun [hʌɡ]: embrace, sign of affection, safe place. when is the last time you hugged someone? like, really hugged someone. not a half-hearted hug, a side hug, a virtual hug or a pat-on-the-back kind of hug. a real, genuine hug. like a bear hug, for example, an I’ll-hold-you-tight-and-never-let-go hug, a so-nice-to-see-you hug, a you’ll-be-ok hug,…
Friends around the world
¡Hola! Nice to meet you again. Ich freue mich, dich zu sehen :). Ça fait longtemps, tu vas bien? paths criss-crossing meeting again after a long time «Les voyageurs se croisent toujours deux fois.» long chats, listening to their stories, sharing, being inspired knowing you don’t have that much time, you bond more quickly relationships are more intimate,…
My favourite hideaways in Cusco
The best cappuccinos in town. Delicious breakfast (or snack) bowls, hearty crêpes and exquisite desserts. All tucked away in the side streets and narrow alleys of Cusco. I spent a great part of my free time there sitting in cafés, sipping my coffee, having a bite to eat and writing. Back in Switzerland now, with all the restaurants…
random moments
when you get back to a book you’d left untouched for a while and think «oh, she’s still there» (meaning the heroine on the top of the mountain) first sip of coffee – that aaahhh moment when a song starts to play that describes that instant perfectly laughing so hard you can already see the…
2 0 2 0
Uff. Wow. What a year. Ups and downs and the world turned upside down. At the beginning of the year, in my post «Looking back», I wrote that I wanted to come to rest for a while. I didn’t know how soon that wish would actually come true. If 2019 was the year of travelling,…